The turn out was great, 38 vendors/table and well over 230+ visitors.
There was a substantial line up waiting for the doors to open at 9am sharp.
Soon as the door's opened, it was ON!
The bargains were flying, haggling abounded and almost everybody left happy with either cash in their pockets (vendors) or a bag of good deals (visitors).
Everybody did a great job from organising the event to advertising and promoting and setup and breakdown and everything in between.
The club raised some good money towards our conservation efforts and especially for the kids/youth derby planned for Christie Lake Conservation Area in July.
I managed to sell 70% of what I took and only spent 10 was hard but my will power held.
My table was pretty empty by the time Jason got around to taking pictures:
Thank you to everybody who participated in making this such a great event.
See you next year!